Saidah's Blog

Saturday, February 5


yesterday,i met my aunty..while she was having a chat with my mom..she said
" Alah,janji melayu..mmg mcm tu.."
i had a sudden thougt..and now i know.. yes! PROMISES~ today's topic is...
 while they just saying without making it come true. i especially hate it when a person knows he can't keep this one promise but still refuses to keep it. er,,u know. like em, he wants to be with you like his
well,duh~ that can't be happen right? only God knows, when a man born.when a man died and when a men gets married..i'm right..right?heehee~ this shows my story. haha~ a lil' bit of flashback should be it. ok. this happen when..uhh,i don't know what kind of dream he had, suddenly he ask me
"kalo kita putus,awk still nk kwn ngan sy tk?"
and of course! i answered"YES!"
he also answered the same only added a PROMISE..heh! JANJI MELAYU~ haha! after we broke up. he..what can i say? ha! DIAM SERIBU BAHASA.. never once to call me nor text me or even looked at me if we happen to bump with each other.. heehee~ like my aunt said
"Janji Melayu..bknnye betul"