Saidah's Blog

Sunday, November 27

like theory

assalamualaikum~ hee ^^, i don't know why, but everybody keeps telling us to
"go for the person who likes u, not the person that u like" for an example.. 
A likes B while B likes C. in the mean time. there's another alphabet that likes A which ic D. but, of course, C really likes D.
by using  'go for the person that likes u' theory. we can say that A is supposed to like D back. so, there's a happy couple. BUT! C likes D, so, why don't D likes C back? huh... dizzy. ok ok.. i don't wanna make it  complicated as addmaths' solution. 
how bout ya'll imagine this particular situation...
*this is just a hand-made(reka)*
there's a boy that i like. and i supposed, he has to like me back. but, he don't. then, here's this guy that happens to like me. and of course, i used THE THEORY....but, i wasn't that happy cuz i don't adore the guy that likes me but the boy that i like. when suddenly, the boy that i like make a confession to me right in front of the guy that likes me. believe it or  not, the boy that i like gives me two options. whether to be with him, or with the guy that likes me. yep, u got it right, i chose the boy that i like. leaving the guy that likes me without feeling any symphaty. cruel.

and as for the conclusion.. when u said that u wanted to forget about the person that u is absolutely...IMPOSSIBLE!! especially when the person that u like was your first love. well, we have to keep on moving ey.. i'm sure not ALL today's married couples are basicly from their first love..but, let me tell u. if u like someone. i mean, really really adore him/her.. just show your love man! haha! i mean, as for a girl. we are shy...we are afraid to tell him about her feelings...herm, i'm not that kind of girl. BELIEVE me. :) just keep on your hard work. make him likes u back. but, remember! do not. i repeat. DO NOT make him/her uncomfortable about having u around him/her. i mean, sometimes, the person that likes u can be really annoying. sticking like a nasty chewing gum at the soles of the shoes. keep bothering u. huh! for my advice.. if there's a person that likes u but u like someone else. don't just dumped or accept him/her. first, discover how much does he/she likes u. then, think again, whether u want to be the person that likes somebody, or the person that accepts the somebody that likes u. ;) 

i hope, this post helps u to find your true love and i wish u a goodluck for making him/her to like u back. if it  happens that he/she really likes u back. congratulations! that is all from Saidah who don't really find her true love yet. assalamualaikum! xD